Personality is a highly fictionalized and misunderstood force in human nature. This limits improving as well as leaving disordered relationships.”

Psychological illiteracy is associated with losing hope, needless aggression, disturbed loyalties and questionable leadership.”

Primitive adults passively or aggressively oppose having their elite psychological certainty challenged by others. Primitive adults commonly hijack causal reasoning.”

Oppressing intellectual diversity, in declining relationships or media outlets, has elements of Fascist reasoning.”

Apart from marital status, maturing adults will spend some portion of their lives in each chapter of this book.”



Adults frequently make snap judgments regarding the misbehavior of celebrities such as Mel Gibson and Michael Richards of Seinfeld. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted us to avoid the pitfalls of snap judgments associated with skin color. The same principle should apply with regard to what people say.

Good English teachers have always encouraged their students to examine great literature regarding human nature with both literal and loose interpretive skills. Students look beneath the words they read in order to study additional themes of personality that shape human nature. And remember the cornerstone of good psychological or medical treatment, “Once you think you have enough history, then it’s time to get more.”

Clinging to what adults say is somewhat like being preoccupied with skin color or just the literal features of a great novel or movie. What people say may have very little to do with what they mean. Celebrities are human and they fail in terms of dealing with accumulated stress, anxiety, depression and maladaptive features of personality.

Some may be experiencing what I refer to as an existential crash where they struggle with the weak legs of wealth, status, power and the confines of their humanity. Maturing is commonly associated with grieving or accepting one’s limited time and utility while on earth.

Jumping to conclusions will always support an immature sense of adult competency. Impulsive judgments are replete with error. Overt misbehaviors regarding race should be thoroughly examined, not politicized. We should learn from the unfortunate displays of behavior from celebrities, politicians and others. And we should avoid a conditional approach to forgiveness.

It is important to remember that conditional religiosity and forgiveness drive domestic violence, chaotic divorces and terrorism. Forgiveness does not imply surrendering to another’s questionable motives. However, it does have a serious relationship with avoiding false snap judgments. False snap judgments have a history of harming minorities and they now fuel the illegitimate anger displaced upon our culture by foreign entities.

Adults have relationships with celebrity, power, white/blue collar crime and image just as they have relationships with spouses. How one handles their celebrity or ethical compass may parallel how they manage their marriage or divorce. Adults frequently delay seeking psychological care just as they delay examining their own maturational challenges or the health of their relationships.

Celebrities should listen to Jack Nicholson who has talked about the value of psychotherapy in his life. There is a legitimate need for in-patient programs for adults with chemical dependency. However, in the past I helped create an out-patient substance abuse program where patients received weekly intensive psychological and psychiatric care.

In-patient substance abuse programs frequently find adults at the end of their rope or during their existential crash. For years, these adults have avoided their own psychological health just as others have spent years avoiding their medical or marital health.

It is important to remember that racism throughout our past was a potent conscious and unconscious malignant social disregard for the humanity of minorities. The racial slurs of actors and others struggling with their own maladaptive issues are hurtful and regretful, yet they are powerless in contrast to this historical oppression.

The hyperbolic attention given to the insensitive remarks of celebrities or politicians is somewhat of an insult to every minority who survived and contributed to our nation while knowing their potential to evolve was overwhelmingly limited.

After the Michael Richards rant on stage, several Black authority figures wanted to ban the “n” word. Outlawing this word would only reinforce its malicious sting and stabilize the empty promises of ineffective social engineering. I assume that many young Black Americans who use this word are detached from its historical pain. Others may only use it during their youthful rebellion. Some may even feel a sense of empowerment when they face down its derogatory power.


During a recent Congressional hearing, Senator Barbara Boxer disparaged the motives and leadership of Condoleezza Rice, our first Black female Secretary of State. While discussing the war in Iraq, Senator Boxer claimed that Secretary Rice was less invested in the war since she was not a parent. It is hard to tell whether or not Senator Boxer truly thinks this way, especially when contentious subjects are discussed.

The point to remember is the premise that misjudging adults via their parental status is quite similar to misjudging others by the color of their skin. Secondly, this example of low level political debate may reflect upon the limits of politicians who cannot reach beyond their political anger or party loyalty. Finally, it also demonstrates how difficult it is to internalize Dr. Martin Luther King’s challenge that we judge character apart from meaningless demographic variables.
