Personality is a highly fictionalized and misunderstood force in human nature. This limits improving as well as leaving disordered relationships.”

Psychological illiteracy is associated with losing hope, needless aggression, disturbed loyalties and questionable leadership.”

Primitive adults passively or aggressively oppose having their elite psychological certainty challenged by others. Primitive adults commonly hijack causal reasoning.”

Oppressing intellectual diversity, in declining relationships or media outlets, has elements of Fascist reasoning.”

Apart from marital status, maturing adults will spend some portion of their lives in each chapter of this book.”


Dr. Withers is a psychologist who reduces the knowledge gap between what clients and practitioners know regarding personality and how it shapes lives. Reducing this divide increases adaptive potential and affiliated reasoning skills. It also enhances treatment efficacy.

Understanding the predictable dynamics of maladaptive personality helps individuals understand declining relationships and divorce. Abusing the institution of marriage parallels questionable motives found in divorce, family values, politics, religion and biased journalism.

Dr. Withers has been a private practitioner for over twenty four years. He has been a consultant for IBM in Austin, Texas and the Family Practice Department at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. As a doctoral student, Dr. Withers researched variations in marital satisfaction. (B.A., The University of Texas at Austin - Ph.D., Texas A&M University)

Dr. Withers helps lay and professional readers understand how personality works. He integrates sound principles from psychodynamic, developmental, interpersonal, ego and abnormal psychology.

This site does not provide psychological counseling. One should always consult a licensed provider when seeking mental health advice.

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My mother, Frances Withers, was a teacher who loved English and American classical literature. Her academic passions made it easy to accept the premise that recurring themes in human nature spill over into every generation. My father, Henry W. Withers, M.D., was a general practitioner. I was always impressed with his compassion for families suffering from devastating social and medical misfortunes. While growing up, he helped me appreciate scientific reasoning and the role of mystery in medicine’s evolution.

My parents appreciated having the opportunity to express their altruistic traits in their careers. They survived evolutionary threats such as living without antibiotics, the Great Depression and World War II as young parents. They balanced history by emphasizing the stability of ulterior motives that challenge hope and dignity. Meaning in life was enhanced when I listened to them talk about friends, students and patients who matured beyond painfully mysterious losses and overwhelming circumstances.

After receiving my doctorate, Harvard’s Department of Psychiatry Continuing Education Program increased my fund of information regarding maladaptive personality and refined my clinical curiosities. Over my career, I have worked with A. Nelson Avery, M.D., Professor of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology at the University of Texas Medical Branch. He graciously consulted on this book. And I may never have finished without Rebecca Adrian, a dear colleague who kept me on course with her invaluable editorial and technical support.